Ana Stevanovic

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The best thing about my professional career is that I get to meet a lot of great people. If..

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Beginner With a Black Belt

There is nothing glorious or elegant about the process you must go through on the road to your vision. The glory comes in knowing who you have become thanks to the process itself.

International bestseller “Beginner with a Black Belt” is a story of strength, survival, and courage.

In this inspiring and insightful take on how one can become the master of their own life journey, readers are presented with a brilliant blend of lessons learned through the struggles of life and lessons learned in Bujinkan (a practice of ancient Japanese martial arts). After living in several different countries and having several different professions, author discovered the three most important questions on the road to self-mastery and shared them in this book.

Regardless of one’s status in life, the important principles and illuminating message communicated in this book can serve as a point of direction for anyone seeking a more purposeful existence.